

Your Support Matters


*To be eligible for Flanzer matching (button on the left), donations must come directly from individual donors, their donor-advised funds, or their personal foundations. Learn more below. If you are donating on behalf of a collective, please donate through our website (button on the right). The Flanzer Foundation won’t be accepting donations during the 2024 Giving Challenge. If you are donating then, please read below.

2024 Giving Challenge

If you want to double your $25 to $100 donation during the Giving Challenge, on April 9 and 10, from noon to noon, donate directly at the link below. Learn more about the Giving Challenge here.


Becoming an active supporter of the region’s growing Hispanic community is a wise and gratifying investment for everyone. Your gift directly enables the UnidosNow team to further elevate the lives of low-income, first-generation students and their families through our programs.


Make the most of your contribution to UnidosNow by donating through The Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust.

Starting at $5, your personal donations to UnidosNow will be matched up to $500/month, with a maximum match of $3,000/year. Learn more about the program on their website.

You can donate directly to UnidosNow here, or send a check made payable to the “Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust,” stating “UnidosNow” in the memo section of the check, and then mail it directly to:

1266 First Street, Suite 1, Sarasota, FL 34236

Thank you, Louis and Gloria, for your generous gift, and to all of you for helping our students dream big and reach high.



The Hector Tejeda Scholarship Fund

Through the Hector Tejeda Scholarship Fund, we will keep Hector’s legacy and commitment to our students alive. This fund will support our scholars to continue dreaming big and reaching high. Learn more about Hector’s fund here:

UnidosNow Endowment Fund

Support UnidosNow’s life-changing programs by donating to the Luz Corcuera Endowment Fund. In honor of her dedication to our communities for over 30 years, this endowment has been established in Luz’s name.


Our Impact


Thank you for supporting our scholars and their families.