Professionals Inspiring Our Students

Our latest career panel with computer scientist Peter Offringa, journalist Carrie Seidman, and diplomat Michael Alan Boorstein was a resounding success! Students were able to listen to the life stories of our panelists and ask them questions about their journeys. This format has been very popular with our UnidosNow students because they can ask questions and receive different points of view from each panelist.

The variety of careers and life experiences we bring to our career panels offer great perspectives to our students. In this panel, for example, Carrie Seidman shared how her career experienced great changes with the advent of the Internet and social media. She showed students how dramatically the expectations of a journalist shifted, how fast the turnaround time for a news story became, and how it benefited and complicated her work.

We look forward to continue to bring these opportunities to our students thanks to the support of the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation.
