Theatre To Bring Our Families Together

Family is a core value for many Latinx families and, at UnidosNow, family engagement is key to every one of our programs. Thanks to the Asolo Repertory Theatre, students in our FLAG and FLAM programs participated in a fun, dynamic, and educational theater workshop that brought our families closer: "We learned more about each other," "We learned problem-solving through improvisation," and "I work all day—this gave us some much-needed family time" were just a few of the many takeaways students and parents shared.  

In addition to theater, our FLAG, and FLAM students also visited the STEM-focused Florida Polytechnic University in February, together with their families. This experience allowed even our youngest students to envision themselves in a university.

We are grateful to the Bishop Foundation for supporting our young students as they explore the opportunities out there.
