Mina Quesen, College Coach

Mina Quesen, College Coach

As a college coach, she is passionate about empowering students through storytelling.

An alumnus of the Future Leaders Academy, Mina Quesen is now an English major in Princeton University’s class of 2023. She graduated from Braden River High School in 2019, where she found a love of written word and an aspiration to lift up her community.

As a college coach, she is passionate about empowering students through storytelling. She believes that voice, no matter how it is expressed, is one of the most important pieces of someone’s personality. Through high school, her many mentors and FLA helped Mina find her own voice and now she takes every opportunity to help others find theirs, whether it be through serving as Managing Editor of The Nassau Weekly or as a mentor to other low-income students through Princeton’s Scholars Institute Fellows Program.

She continues to define her own voice as a bi-racial writer by engaging in cultural studies coursework and creative writing workshops. She intends on receiving certificates in East Asian Studies, Creative Writing, and Gender and Sexuality Studies.

You can get in touch with Mina on 941-465-7887 or submitting the form below: