LeadNow Clubs


LeadNow is UnidosNow’s middle and high school student engagement program, based out of middle and high schools in Sarasota and Manatee, whose main goal is to promote a culture of postsecondary planning and readiness.

With support from the UnidosNow team and school staff, this program provides students with an opportunity to take on leadership roles, create peer-to-peer connections, and increase the reach of UnidosNow’s programs across middle and high schools. Students select a college and career readiness topic of their choice and design a variety of projects throughout the school year to raise awareness about the postsecondary options available and encourage students to dream big and plan for their future.

What students achieve through LEADNow

The purpose of LeadNow is to empower students to engage with their peers, develop leadership skills, and foster a college and career readiness culture at their schools. Student Leaders at middle and high schools in Manatee and Sarasota counties work to educate their peers on the college admissions/career readiness process while gaining leadership skills and volunteering in the community.

Interested in becoming a student leader?

As a Student Leader, you will become knowledgeable in a topic related to college and career readiness—you will receive our "training" material after you sign up through the application—and do at least two projects throughout the school year that promote your topic and reach a good amount of students (at least 10 per project).

These projects can be presentations, promotional fliers, posts or campaigns on social media, group volunteer days, and so much more! While this can sound intimidating, projects can be as simple as putting together a small presentation on PowerPoint and showing it to your peers, tabling during lunch to promote a scholarship or another opportunity, etc. You will also participate in virtual group meetings where we keep track of progress, share updates and experiences, and brainstorm future activities.