The Voices of Our Scholars and Families


Future Leaders Academy, Class of 2024


“All the activities FLAM offers give us the opportunity to learn and grow in the UnidosNow family.”

- FLAM Student Sebastian

Our Students Get Exposed to STEM!

“I hit a point in my life where I lost my own dignity and I was told I would never make it to college. I felt lost within myself and it was not until I met UnidosNow that that changed.”

- Future Leaders Academy Alumni PRISCILLA Martinez

“I’m pretty much getting the best results in my future thanks to the guidance of UnidosNow, and especially my mentor who has helped me so much in this past year.”

- Future Leaders Academy Alumni Adrian Martinez

“I helped my parents through many things. Small acts like helping my father on the weekends with his lawn services, and my mother clean houses. And even after doing all these small acts throughout my whole life, it hasn’t truly satisfied this desire I have in helping my parents change the course of our life. Through UnidosNow I found a better solution and that solution is education.”

- Future Leaders Academy Alumni Alec Lemus

Read From Our Future Leaders Academy Alumni

“I give UnidosNow workshops a 10 out of 10 because I learned how to help guide my daughter towards her future. I also learned how the education system works in this great country that gives us so many opportunities.”

- Parent (translated from Spanish)

“My mentor was a stupendous moral support for all my efforts to get in higher level schools. I strongly believe that without her and UnidosNow I wouldn’t have had the guts to apply to Quest Bridge. I am so fortunate.”

- Future Leaders Academy Alumni Akira