The Possibilities of Intergenerational Work

STEM Careers Are in Our Scholars’ Future

This spring, our Future Leaders Academy for Girls and Future Leaders Academy for Middle Schoolers students and their parents had the opportunity to learn about science through a series of fun experiments at the laboratories of New College of Florida.

All the experiments had a fun surprise at the end, which taught our students and their parents how magical chemistry can be. From invisible ink brought to life using grape juice, to heat sensitive invisible writing on a marshmallow, our families learned that STEM careers can be in their future!

The Support Parents Bring

This school year was full of new experiences for our middle schoolers. Some of our FLAM students joined our UnidosNow robotics team, a decision that comes with commitment and dedication. With the challenge of learning new skills, traveling to robotics team meetings, and practicing robotics presentations for competition, parents were the key component to keeping our students on track.

For every successful presentation practice, there were parents working with students one-on-one at home making sure their students knew every line and encouraging them to speak with confidence. This dedication from parents meant everything to our team.

Our parents were cheerleaders, practice competition judges, snack coordinators, public speaking mentors, timekeepers, photographers, and more. What a great way to set an example for their children.

Getting Elementary Girls Ready for Middle School

The workshops this spring had our FLAG girls focusing on learning about the endless possibilities for their future. From unique careers in chemical engineering to learning about how life changes in middle school, our elementary students are on their way to a prepared future.
